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Philosophy & Goals

Saint Vincent Academy, located in the Central Ward of Newark, is a learning-centered, Catholic/Christian community. The Academy articulates the educational mission of the Sisters of Charity. In keeping with a more-than-century long tradition, Saint Vincent Academy serves the young women of Greater Newark, fostering belief in a loving God; appreciation for the sacredness of each person; understanding of the interdependent relationship among all people; and reverence for creation.


This learning community strives to encourage and guide each student in her on-going discovery of self, others and God.


The Academy nurtures the development of the responsible woman empowered by belief in herself as a participant in promoting the common good.


As a means to these ends, Saint Vincent Academy conveys to the student the importance of the process as well as the product of education and the importance of fulfilling all her potential. The Academy communicates these values through a student-centered approach to learning in a self-disciplined and supportive atmosphere.

 Committed to the development of human potential, Saint Vincent Academy cooperates with the student in her growth toward maturity, integrity, sensitivity, compassion and achievement. More specifically, the community of Saint Vincent Academy strives to be faithful to these ideals by nourishing student growth:



Through a balanced course of study which challenges the student academically and encourages a love of learning by actively involving the student in a learning process, enriched by practical experiences and by opportunities for personal decision-making.



Through the creation of an atmosphere enlivened by the gospel spirit of justice, compassion and love; through academic and experiential approaches to the study of religion; through liturgy, prayer, community service and, in general, through the sharing of Christianity as a way of life.



Through an awareness and appreciation of cultural heritages encountered in academic and non-academic settings and through an appreciation of the arts as expressions of the human spirit.



Through all interactions which lead the student to an understanding of the dynamics of human relations and to a fullness of participation in the life of her family, her school and the local and global communities to which she brings hope and a spirit of stewardship.



Through an understanding of and respect for the human body and through a knowledge of the relationship between good physical and mental health; also, through activities which develop individual motor skills, self-confidence, self-discipline, good sportsmanship and an appreciation for healthy competition.

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