Fast Facts

Student Demographic

Graduation Rate
98-100 %
Saint Vincent Academy, located in Newark New Jersey, was founded by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in 1869.
The Academy is a private, Middle States accredited, college-preparatory high school for young women.
The academic year 2024-2025 is SVA’s 155th year of educating young women.
202 students reside in the Greater Newark area.
70% of students identify as Black/African American, 25% as Latina/Hispanic, and the remaining 5% as Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, White or Biracial.
38% of students are Roman Catholic. The remaining majority is Christian, a small percentage is Muslim.
78% are eligible for free or reduced lunch in accordance with the Federal poverty guidelines.
Tuition of $5,800 in 2023-24 contrasts to an actual per-student cost of $18,548.
The Promise Scholars Program, initiated in 2021, provides qualified students with full four-year scholarships. In addition, a fully funded tuition aid/scholarship program complements the universal subsidy of $12,748.
Average daily attendance is 97%.
Student to faculty ratio is: 8 to 1.
98% to 100% of graduates continue their education after high school in colleges of their choice.
The course of studies includes honors, AP and dual credit courses (college/high school).
A rigorous academic program is highlighted by an innovative Freshman Program which equips students with the knowledge, skills, self-confidence and discipline to succeed in high school, college and life.
A unique service education program, Students-in-Community, reinforces the importance of community, civic responsibility and the Gospel value of service to others.
Our 8 lab STEM curriculum includes both a Biomedical course and an Engineering course. The construction of 2 science labs was completed in 2023.
An $8.6 million academic wing houses a library/media center, 4 classrooms, a student services center, art studio, gym/auditorium and the development office.
Approximately 13% of alumnae actively participate in SVA annual appeals and fundraising initiatives.
Saint Vincent Academy's average college graduation rate of 74% surpasses both the New Jersey average of 63% and the national average of 62%.