Message from the Administration
Thank you for visiting our website to learn a bit about our school and our students, or to renew your connection, if you are an alumna or former student.
Saint Vincent Academy is a very special place. For more than 150 years, her light has shone here at the top of West Market Street in the City of Newark, illuminating for generations the path to successful, productive lives as caring women, as professionals in many walks of life, and as mothers, daughters, and sisters. Saint Vincent Academy has been blessed by God with the privilege and responsibility of living the mission Jesus Christ gave to humankind and womankind alike – to teach, to love, and to serve.
As the only private, college-preparatory high school for young women in Newark, the Academy plays a singular role in the community. We strive to provide our students with the educational tools and moral compass they need to succeed in college and in life and to overcome with perseverance and grace the obstacles faced by women and people of color in our society. We combine a rigorous academic program with high expectations and the support of a caring community of dedicated teachers and staff.
If you are interested in learning more about Saint Vincent Academy, please request information here
Click here for the date of our next open house, when we invite interested young women and their families to tour our school and meet some of our teachers, staff, and students.
If you are an SVA graduate, please take the time to keep us up to date by filling out the online questionnaire here. Information about your life's joys and accomplishments bring us joy as well and help us make the case to supporters whose contributions enable us to continue our work.