COVID Protocols for Parents/Guardians
Click here for SVA Screening Form
Each student’s parent/guardian must complete and submit the School Screening Form daily. No student will be admitted into school unless the form was submitted and, according to the form, the student is cleared for school. The link can be found on the school website in the Parent/Guardian section of the COVID PROTOCOLS tab. The link will also be emailed to parents/guardians.
Students must wear a mask at all times when they are in our building, unless they are engaged in active eating or drinking. Masks should be appropriate for school and therefore should not have any logo or wording on it. Masks must cover the nose and mouth and extend under the chin. (Use of a KN-95 mask or double-masking with a surgical mask and a two-layer cloth mask offer the greatest protection and are therefore recommended, but not required.)
As per the most recent guidance from the CDC and Newark Health Department, we will practice social distancing. When a person is masked appropriate social distancing is 3 feet, whenever possible. When not masked because engaged in active eating/drinking, appropriate social distancing is 6 feet. Every room in our building has been set up to accommodate these distances. STUDENTS MAY NOT MOVE DESKS OR CHAIRS!
In an effort to ensure our students are practicing appropriate social distancing and to lessen the time that they are unmonitored in the morning, students may not enter the building until 7:30am, at which time they may report to the cafeteria or media center. During this time, students should be seated and masked. Students may not move chairs!
Students can report to their homeroom beginning at 8:00am. If they are in the building at this time, we ask that they gather their belongings and report to homeroom. They may not linger in the cafeteria, locker room or hallways.
Students are assigned every other locker, when possible, in order to create safe distancing. Students may not go to their lockers during lunch mods. Therefore they should be prepared with all of their belongings for the entire day when they report to homeroom.
We have designated specific staircases and hallways as “one way” to facilitate traffic flow.
The main staircase in the old (Heritage) building will be one way going up. The back staircase will be one way going down.
The hallway outside of the main office will be one way going north (towards Corrigan). The hallway outside of 201-204 will be one way going south (towards Providence Gym).
There may be exceptions to these directions in some cases, but students should always stay to the right of any staircase or hallway while traveling from one place to another and keep socially distanced whenever possible.
All students will have assigned seats in every class. These seating charts will be used in the event that we have a positive COVID case and must carry out contact tracing.
Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and at sanitizing stations in hallways and building entrances. Students may not share school supplies, so your daughter must have her own materials, such as pens, pencils, erasers, looseleaf paper, etc.
If a student remains in the building after dismissal, she is to be in a room with a faculty member present. If a teacher is not in their classroom, the student may not sit in their room and wait for them. The student can inquire about their whereabouts in the main office.
All teachers will have a sign in book for any students working in their classrooms after school.
The entire building will be disinfected at the end of each day. In order for this to be possible, the building will be closed at 4:30 pm.
There will be no extra curricular activities until further notice with the exception of volleyball and cross-country. All of our home games will be closed to adhere to recommended practices for prevention of COVID breakouts. No spectators will be admitted.
If your daughter does not feel well or is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, please do not send her to school.
If your daughter begins to feel ill during the school day, she should inform her teacher. She will be directed to the main office where her temperature will be taken and she will then be evaluated by our school nurse.
An office on the 2nd floor has been designated as the isolation room. Any student who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent there to wait for their parent to pick them up. If you are called to pick up your daughter because she is ill, please come as soon as possible. We cannot have students who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 remain in the building indefinitely.
Any information regarding your daughter’s COVID or quarantine status should be communicated to Ms Tyburczy immediately so that appropriate action and support may be communicated to you and others, if affected.
If there is a positive case in our community, and if your daughter has been identified as a person who may have been exposed to an individual who contracts COVID-19, the Administration will contact you via email with all necessary information and instructions. You should check your email at least once a day for communications from SVA.
If your daughter has tested positive for COVID or was quarantined because she had “close contact” exposure to a positive case, she may not return to school until you submit a negative PCR test on her behalf. For this reason, we encourage you to locate a testing site that is convenient for you, so that you are prepared to act promptly if your daughter needs to be tested. All PCR test results should be submitted to the following email only: Please do not send your daughter’s test results to individual members of the administration or faculty.
We are limiting the number of people who enter our building. Therefore, if you would like to meet with any member of our administration, faculty or staff, you must make an appointment. If you come to school to conduct business in our main office, please come to the main door of The Heritage building and ring the bell. Any person entering our building must wear a mask at all times.